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At Lekkerland.lk, we are committed to providing quality products and services to our valued customers. We understand that there may be situations where you may want to request a refund or exchange. Please take note of our policy regarding refunds and exchanges:

Refund and Exchange Conditions:

  1. Refunds and exchanges are only applicable prior to product dispatch. Once the products have been dispatched, we cannot accept any refund or exchange requests.
  2. Eligibility for Refund and Exchange: To be eligible for a refund or exchange, your request must be made before the products leave our premises. Once the products are dispatched, we consider the sale final.

How to Request a Refund or Exchange:

If you wish to request a refund or exchange, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact us immediately: If you have received incorrect products, please contact our customer support team as soon as possible. We will guide you through the process.
  2. Provide necessary information: To process your request, we may require you to provide relevant information, such as your order number, product details, and the reason for your request.
  3. Inspection: We will inspect the products to verify the reason for your request. If the products have not been dispatched, we will consider your request.
  4. Decision: Once the inspection is complete, we will make a decision regarding your refund or exchange request. If approved, we will proceed with the necessary actions.

Contact Us:

For any refund or exchange requests, or if you have any questions, please contact our customer support team at [email protected] We are here to assist you and ensure your satisfaction with our products and services.

Thank you for shopping at Lekkerland.lk, and we appreciate your understanding of our refund and exchange policy.